
Capture Every Lead To Increase Your ROI With Better Sales Funnel Management

Streamline And Optimize Your Sales Pipeline To Avoid 25% Less Lead Leakage With Kenyt’s Conversational AI Platform

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Grow Your Business With Every Lead By Efficient Sales Funnel Management

Manage Your Deals


  • • Lead Qualification
  • • Lead Segmentation
  • • WorkFlow Automation
  • • Pre-Defined Tags and Filters
  • • Activity Record Panel
  • • Unlimited Lead Nurture Stages
  • • Drag & Drop Data
  • • Import/Export
  • • Unlimited Lead Properties


  • • Automated Lead Collection 
  • • ~0.1% Lead Leakage
  • • Lead Progress Tracking 
  • • Fetching Data Becomes Easier 
  • • Create Multiple Lead Stages
  • • No More Hectic Excel Sheets 
  • • Segment Your Lead with Properties

Manage Your Leads


  • • Dedicated Contact Cards
  • • Deal Prioritization
  • • Lead Score Based Prioritization
  • • Action Reminders
  • • Direct Call Actions
  • • WorkFlow Automation
  • • Order and Payment Tracking
  • • Customizable dashboards and reports


  • • Quickly Access Deal Updates 
  • • Shift Through Data Easily 
  • • Automated Deal Prioritization 
  • • Quick Access Interface 
  • • Better Efficiency in Lead Followups 
  • • Set Your Goals & Reminders 
  • • Integrated Direct Action Call Buttons 

Manage Your Customers


  • • Drag & Drop Import/Export
  • • WorkFlow Automation
  • • 3 Dashboard Viewing Options
  • • Personalized Customer Properties
  • • Pre-Defined + Unlimited Filters


  • • Hassle Free Data Entry & Takeout 
  • • Easier Customer Addressal 
  • • Better Analysis with Board/Chart/Table View
  • • Seamlessly Search Through Large Data 
  • • Customizable Customer Properties

Unlimited Dynamic Filters and Tags

Filters and tags are like smart labels for your sales data. They help you organize and find specific information effortlessly. You can quickly retrieve relevant data when needed by attaching these labels to leads, deals, or customer cards.

It’s like having a magic filing system that saves time and boosts efficiency.

Unlimited Dynamic Filters and Tags
Sales KPI Dashboard

Quick Access To Sales KPIs with Customizable Dashboard

Visualize success at a glance with our intuitive dashboard. Get instant access to vital business information presented in a clear and analytical manner. Choose from Table View for organized data, Board View for a holistic snapshot, or Chart View for insightful visualizations.

Stay in control, make informed decisions, and drive growth with our powerful, customizable dashboard options.


Track Your Sales Goals and Activities

Effortlessly track your sales team activities with our CRM Sales and Funnel Management solution.

Our neatly designed dashboard and analytics provide a quick overview of performance, while the convenient “Quick Access” tab ensures easy monitoring of sales activities.

Our AI powered lead scores help you prioritize lead follow ups to make sure your team never misses out on hot leads. 

Supercharge Your Sales Funnel. Experience Kenyt CRM Today!!

Unlock hidden revenue with AI-enabled sales funnel management

Take control of your sales journey and unlock unprecedented growth with Kenyt CRM

Streamlined Lead Management

Tailor your sales process with personalized customer cards, comprehensive view of each lead, interactions to nurture relationships effectively.

Drive Effective Deal Management

Seamless manage your deals through every stage of the sales cycle. You can track deal progress, assign tasks, and collaborate seamlessly within your team.

Elevate Customer Satisfaction

Provide efficient support to your customers, help resolve issues promptly, and maintain a comprehensive record of customer interactions.

Try Kenyt AI Assistant FREE for 30 Days